The Natural WorldPhotos of wildlife, plants, caves, canyons, parks, insects, and space (moon and planets).
- Our BackyardAll photos in this part of the album were taken at our home.
- BirdsSpecies number 75 photographed at the house by Grandpa Roy on Friday 20 December 2024. It was a Red Breasted Nuthatch. Then, on 28 December, a Brown Creeper…
- Blackbird, Red-WingedReally rare around here, Grandpa Roy has learned to recognize the male's call.
- Bluebird, EasternBluebirds prefer meal worms. As long as there is a steady supply, they will be in the area all year round.
- BuffleheadThe Buffleheads appear during the colder months.
- Bunting, IndigoA beautiful bird that only goes to feeders when there are few insects, their primary diet.
- Cardinals, NorthernCardinals are quite common at the feeders. Normally at least four or more are observed.
- Catbird, GrayCalled a Catbird because it sounds like a cat when calling. It also mimics the songs of other birds. This bird is a summer visitor to the feeders.
- Chickadee, CarolinaThe Carolina Chickadee is another bird seen frequently at the feeders.
- Coot, AmericanThis Coot has only been seen one fall season, in 2020. It was around for a few days and then never returned.
- Cormorant, Double-CrestedSpecies Number 64 behind the house. Frequently seen, but hard to photograph, as evidenced by the limited number of photos.
- Cowbird, Brown-HeadedThe Cowbird is considered a pest at feeders and isn't observed very often.
- Creeper, BrownSpecies number 76 behind the house. Not only is the Brown Creeper rare in North Carolina, it is hard to see; however, when seen they usually are the…
- Crow, AmericanCrows are another common and nuisance bird.
- Dove, MourningMourning Doves are the ones heard "cooing" in the distance after a rain. They prefer to eat from the ground beneath the feeders.
- Duck, MuscovySpecies number 68 swam down the lake right next to our bulkhead on 14 June 2022. It tried to join a small flock of Mallards. It was last seen in December…
- Duck, Ring-NeckedThe RIng Neck Duck is another winter bird.
- Duck, WoodPhotos taken through the dining room window are not very good, but they do document Grandpa's first sighting of this rare duck on the lake behind the house.
- Eagle, BaldIt is a real treat when a Bald Eagle makes an appearance.
- Egret, GreatThe Great Egret is very rare in this area. They show up every few years.
- Finch, HouseThe House Finch is a common bird at the feeders.
- Finch, PurpleSpecies number 71 photographed at the house on 11 December 2022. Rarely seen, it is hard to distinguish the male from the House Finch. The female is easier to…
- Flicker, NorthernSo far the Flicker has been seen only a few times.
- Flycatcher, Great CrestedThese Flycatchers are seen over the lake in warm weather starting about April. It is rare to get a good photo of one.
- GadwallGrandpa Roy has seen this bird only one time. He had another breed for it, but the Birding site states it is a Gadwall.
- Goldfinch, AmericanThe American Goldfinch is another common bird at the feeders.
- Goose, CanadaVery common bird, seen daily on the lake. Licensed people look for nests and "shake" the eggs so no young will hatch as they do not migrate and are considered…
- Grackle, CommonGrackles are an undesirable bird. They travel in flocks and empty feeders literally overnight.
- Grebe, Pied-BillThe Grebe usually is alone on the lake. It appears during the colder months, though supposedly they are in the area all year round.
- Grosbeak, BlueA North Carolina summer bird. Rare at our feeders. Species number 66.
- Grosbeak, Rose-BreastedRose-Breasted Grosbeak photographed and identified on 1 October 2021 is the 60th species photographed in the backyard. As it turns out, a female was at the…
- Hawk, CoopersThe Coopers Hawk is known to be in the area, but is hard to photograph.
- Hawk, Red-ShoulderedRed Shouldered Hawks are often seen in the area.
- Hawk, Red-TailedRed Tailed Hawks can be seen if one looks for them.
- Hawk, Sharp ShinnedThe Sharp-Shinned Hawk is rarely seen in the area.
- Heron, Great BlueThe Great Blue Heron is a common sight on the lake year-round. It is the largest bird seen.
- Giant BirdbathThe Great Blue Heron does not fit into a regular birdbath, but as can be seen in this series of photos, it still enjoys splashing around in a replacement body…
- Heron, GreenThe Green Herons return every year to have their young in a nest across the lake. They are gone by late July each year.
- Hummingbird, Ruby ThroatedThe Ruby Throated Hummingbird is common during the summer. They fight at their feeders.
- Jay, BlueBlue Jays are frequently heard, but hard to photograph around our backyard.
- Junco, Dark-EyedJuncos also are called Snow Birds. They are most common in the winter and usually feed on the ground beneath the feeders.
- Kingbird, EasternThe Eastern Kingbird is a type of flycatcher, eating flying insects.
- Kingfisher, BeltedThe Kingfisher is another hard-to-photograph bird though it is common along the lake.
- Kinglet, Ruby-CrownedThe Kinglet is rare because it actually prefers insects.
- MallardThe Mallard is a very common duck on the lake.
- Mixed SpeciesMore than one species in the same photo.
- Mockingbird, NorthernThe Mockingbird is seen at the feeders during the colder months. In the summer they are seen along the roads.
- Nuthatch, Brown-HeadedThe Brown-Headed Nuthatch is a fairly common bird at the feeders.
- Nuthatch, Red-BreastedNot seen until this winter, the Red-Breasted Nuthatch is a common bird in North Carolina. Species number 75 behind the house.
- Nuthatch, White-BreastedA fairly common bird at the feeders is the White-Breasted Nuthatch.
- Oriole, OrchardSpecies number 74, the Orchard Oriole. Very rare as it prefers fruit. When that is not available, however, it will go after insects.
- OspreyGrandpa Roy photographed his first Osprey across the lake, high in a tree, in September 2011. In October 2021, he finally got a few photos with the better…
- Phoebe, EasternThese Flycatchers are common during the summer months.
- Robin, AmericanUsually seen during the cooler months, Robins never go to the feeders but prefer insects and worms on the ground.
- Sapsucker, Yellow-BelliedThe Sapsucker is rarely seen in our backyard.
- Siskin, PineThe Pine Siskin is another bird seen in the winter.
- Sparrow, ChippingChipping Sparrows are quite common and prefer to pick seed from the ground but will go to the feeders.
- Sparrow, SongSpecies number 70 to be photographed. They were not around very long.
- Sparrow, White ThroatedThe White-Throated Sparrow is seen in winter in our area.
- Swallow, BarnThey build their nests under overturned boats now as a defense against Hawks and are rarely seen at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
- Swallow, Northern Rough-wingedOriginally thought to be a Sand Swallow, grandpa's, additional photography actually confirmed it is a Northern Rough-winged Swallow.
- Swan, MuteWe have seen Swans on the lake only two times since moving here in 2010.
- Tanager, SummerSpecies number 58 in the backyard. Rare for this area. The Summer Tanagers do not go to feeders.
- Thrasher, BrownThe Brown Thrasher is Grandma Bert's favorite bird. One usually can be seen at the feeders nearly all year round. They prefer to be on the ground.
- Thrush, HermitRare in our neighborhood, Grandpa Roy first photographed a Hermit Thrush at Weymouth Woods in 2021.
- Titmouse, TuftedThe Titmouse is a very common bird at the feeders.
- Towhee, EasternThe Towhee prefers to be on the ground beneath the feeders. It often is hard to spot.
- Vireo, White-EyedBird species number 72 photographed behind the house. North Carolina is their breeding ground, but they are not listed otherwise as a local bird.
- Vulture, BlackHard to identify as they resemble the Turkey Vulture so closely, but they are here.
- Vulture, TurkeyUnlike some areas, Grandpa Roy normally only sees one lone Turkey Vulture soaring high in the sky. Other areas will see a large number of them.
- Warbler, PineThe Pine Warbler is another winter bird at the feeders.
- Warbler, Yellow-RumpedThe Yellow-Rumped Warbler appears during the colder months.
- Warbler, Yellow ThroatedThe 50th bird species that Grandpa Roy photographed here at home was the Yellow-Throated Warbler, a winter bird. It has not returned since these photos from…
- Waxwing, CedarGrandpa Roy believes the Cedar Waxwing is a beautiful bird. They are not around for long.
- Woodpecker, DownyThe Downy Woodpecker is common in the area and prefers suet.
- Woodpecker, PileatedThe Pileated Woodpecker is rarely seen, but they are in the area all-year-round.
- Woodpecker, Red-BelliedThe Red-Bellied Woodpecker is very common in the area.
- Woodpecker, Red-HeadedSeen for the first time in summer 2021. The Red-Headed Woodpeckers rarely appeared in 2022, but so far in spring 2023 it has been to the feeders a number of…
- Wren, CarolinaThe Carolina Wren is another common bird with an uncommonly loud voice.
- Yellowthroat, CommonA bird that prefers to be high in the trees, but builds its nest close to the ground. Seen only rarely.
- Other Critters
- Game Camera PhotosPhotos taken by the various game cameras Grandpa Roy has around the back yard.
- Rest of WorldWorldwide photography away from home. Includes zoos, hiking trails, parks and more.
- Caves, Canyons, Parks & More
- United States
- Arizona
- Bell Rock and the VortexThe Sedona visit was in 2000.
- Grand Canyon from the AirThis flight was made during the trip in 2000 to the South Rim.
- Grand Canyon North RimYour grandfather actually felt the view from the north room is more beautiful, but he cannot really explain why.
23 May 2014. - Grand Canyon South RimThe trip to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon was in 2000.
- Meteor CraterAnother unplanned stop.
25 May 2014. - Painted DesertThe Painted Desert is vast, covering much of northeastern Arizona. This album is in two parts: what your grandparents saw during their drive to Utah and the…
- Petrified Forest Opens in new…The Petrified Forest National Park looks like a place where someone has cut down all of the large trees; however, on closer examination it turns out every one…
- Sonora DesertYour grandparents hiked the Sonora Desert in 2000.
- Colorado
- Garden of the GodsA Colorado state park Grandpa Roy always has heard of but did not know was on the route south.
- Rocky Mountain National Park…Grandma and Grandpa's friend, Rick Rogers drove during a wonderful tour of the best parts of the park, entering at one end and leaving at another.
- Hawaii Halona BlowholeIt puts on a show when the tide and waves are right.
- Idaho Craters of the MoonThis volcano erupts about every 2,000 years. The astronauts trained here for their voyage to the moon.
Visited 22 June 2019. - Louisiana The BayouBayou Tour by Airboat
- Montana Pictograph Cave State…Pictograph State Park is a National Historic Monument.
Visited 18 June 2019. - New Mexico
- Carlsbad CavernsThe magnificent caverns in Carlsbad, New Mexico.
Visited 14 May 2014. - Petroglyph National MonumentPetroglyphs galore at Petroglyph National Monument.
Visited 28 May 2014. - Sandia PeakJust outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the peak is reached by the longest cable tram in the world.
Visited 27 May 2014. - White Sands National Monument.White as snow, but it never melts.
Visited 15 May 2014.
- North Carolina
- Blue Ridge ParkwayPhotos from portions of the Blue Ridge Parkway inside North Carolina.
- Linville CavernsVisited August 2015.
- Morrow MountainVisited in 25 July 2015.
- Smoky Mountains National ParkThe park spans two states: Tennessee and North Carolina.
Visited 4 June 2014. - Uwharrie National ForestVisited 2 December 2012.
- North Dakota
- Chase Lake National Wildlife…A rest stop on Interstate highway I-94 was in the refuge.
Visited 16 June 2019. - Theodore Roosevelt National ParkVisited 17 June 2019.
- Ohio Nelson Ledges State ParkThese rock formations were created when the prehistoric Ice Age glacier stopped in this area and deposited the stones here.
- Oregon Columbia River Gorge…Visited June 1995.
- Pennsylvania Frances Slocum…Near Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
Date visited 19 October 2019.M - South Carolina
- Edisto Memorial GardensThe gardens, in Orangeburg, consist of two larger parks as well as memorials and a fine arts center. Date visited 06 March 2023.
- Great Swamp SanctuaryWalterboro, South Carolina,
Visited 13 May 2016. - Santee State ParkSantee State Park
- Swan Lake Iris GardensVisited 06 March 2023.
- Thomas Sumter Memorial ParkThis park actually is in the suburb of Dalzell. In addition, in reality it is the Sumter family cemetery.
- South Dakota
- Badlands National ParkDate visited 25 June 2017.
- Black Hills Helicopter FlightFlight taken on 30 June 2017.
- Custer State ParkDate visited 27 June 2017.
- Jewell Cave National Monument…Date visited 30 June 2017.
- Tennessee
- Bristol CavernsVisited August 2015.
- The Little RiverTownsend
- Smoky Mountains National ParkThe park spans two states: Tennessee and North Carolina.
Visited 4 June 2014.
- Utah Bryce Canyon ViewsBryce Canyon was another site your grandparents had not scheduled for a visit. They were certainly glad that they did.
- Virginia The Skyline Drive &…Date visited and driven, 23 October 2019, Grandma Bert's birthday.
- Washington Mount St. HelensVisited June 1995.
- Wyoming
- Fossil Butte National MonumentVisited 25 June 2019.
- Old Faithful not so faithful.
Visited 21 June 2019. - Yellowstone National ParkJune 2019.
- Rest of World
- Costa Rica The Rain Forest from…Costa Rica Aerial Tram
- Japan Hokkaido Island…A motorcycle trip on Hokkaido Island to the area where the Ainu live.
- Turkey Lake Ladik at BoraboyNorth central Turkey.
- Plants, Fungi and Other Natural…
- Formal Gardens Worldwide
- American
- Colorado Denver Botanic GardensGrandma and Grandpa's Denver friend, Rick Rogers, took them and Noah to the botanic gardens on Saturday, 29 June 2019.
- Nebraska Omaha Lauritzen GardenVisited Independence Day, 2017.
- North Carolina
- Airlie Gardens WilmingtonVisited 7 July 2020 by Grandma Bert and grandsons Aaron and Noah.
- Cape Fear Botanical Garden…Visited on 26 March 2016 and then again on 22 May 2021.
- Daniel Boone Native Gardens…The Daniel Boone Native Gardens are located in Boone, NC. The cabin belonging to Daniel Boone's father was moved here for display.
- Elizabeth Lawrence GardensCharlotte.
Located 10 doors from Wing Haven Gardens, the admission price to Wing Haven includes this house and garden.
Date visited 28 October 2021. - James Boyd House Gardens…Today the home is called the Weymouth Center for the Arts and Humanities.
- Tryon Palace Gardens Opens in…Grandma Bert remarked that she wished they had eight gardens from which to choose to relax in.
- Wing Haven Gardens tab.Charlotte.
Date visited 28 October 2021.
- Oklahoma Oklahoma City Myriad…Visited 30 May 2014.
- Other Displays and Plants
- American
- Arizona
- Sonora DesertPlant life in the Sonora Desert, Arizona.
- Colorado
- Cumbres & Toltec RailwayPlants photographed along the rail line from Colorado into New Mexico.
- Georgia
- Okefenokee SwampThe March 2022 Visit.
- Montana
- Chief Plenty Coups State ParkTaken while walking the trail at this state park.
- Grasshopper CreekLocated near Bannack Ghost Town.
- New Mexico
- White SandsIt's amazing what will grow in the sand.
- South Carolina
- Brookgreen Gardens For statues,…Brookgreen Gardens is actually for statuary. There are very few plants and trees of interest.
- Overseas
- Amsterdam's Floating Flower…Amsterdam's Floating Flower Market.
- GermanyGrandpa Roy took these photos in October 1992 when he was in Germany as a part-time arms control inspector. He went on a 10-kilometer (6.2 miles) volksmarche…
- WildlifePhotos we have taken anywhere in the world except at home in Whispering Pines.
- Birds
- United States
- East of the MississippiMiscellaneous birds seen in states east of the Mississippi River.
- Florida
- Gator ParkPhotographed on 4 March 2022.
- Big Cypress National PreserveVisited on 05 March 2022.
- Sanibel IslandGrandma Bert's photos of 08 March 2022.
- Everglades National ParkThese photos were taken on 06 March 2022.
- Everglades CityPhotos taken 06 March 2022.
- Georgia
- Okefenokee National Wildlife…Photos taken 11 March 2022.
- March 2023 Trip to the Golden…
- Botanic Gardens at Georgia…There was a bird observation deck, but little was seen there.
- Maryland
- Piney Run ParkGrandpa Roy took a few photos of Geese at Piney Run Park in Carroll County, Maryland, one day when joining the family while they fished.
- North Carolina
- Wilmington RiverwalkBirds photographed Thanksgiving morning, 2022, while Grandma Bert and Grandpa Roy took the Wilmington Riverwalk.
- South Carolina
- Huntington Beach State Park
- 2024 Return to 2024 Thanksgiving…Most birds photographed at Mullet Pond. See captions.
- Salt Marsh Walk, Murrells InletWalked in 2011 and 2017.
- Santee State ParkVisited 13 March 2022.
- Virginia RoanokePhotographed from the overlook at the Roanoke star on Mill Mountain.
- West of the MississippiMiscellaneous birds seen in states west of the Mississippi River.
- Mammals
- Killer WhalesAlaskan National Park.
- DolphinsSt. Simons Island, Georgia, Dolphin Cruise. 1 March 2023.
- Reptiles
- Lizards & SnakesSee Alligators in the Aquatic Animals folder. Also see the Caves, Canyons, Parks & More folder.
- ZoosWe have taken these photos over the years.
- United States
- Arizona Zoos
- Arizona Prescott Heritage Park…Visited 21 May 2014.
- Florida Jacksonville Zoo &…Short visit because of rain.
- Illinois Peoria Glen Oak Park…Visited 21 June 2017.
- Maryland Baltimore National…So far, Grandpa cannot find the photos he and Grandma have taken, but here are some from Grandson Noah.
- Mississippi Hattiesburg ZooIt was such a nice little zoo (and the only thing open in town. Not even the visitor's center was open).
Date visited 13 May 2018. - Nebraska Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo…Visited Independence Day 2017.
- North Carolina Zoos
- North Carolina Burlington Animal…Visited in 2016 with Noah and 2017 with Aaron.
- North Carolina Cameron Aloha…The Aloha Zoo rescues animals of all types from movie makers, homes that mistreat animals and more. Visited 19 April 2014 (and earlier, too).
- South Carolina Zoos
- Awendaw Center for Birds of PreyMost birds here have been injured, many by being struck by cars.
Visited 5 May 2016. - Columbia Riverbanks Zoo & GardenVisited 01 March 2022.
- Greenville ZooVisited 8 May 2018.
- Hamer Reptile Lagoon at South of…Visited several times from 2010 to 2014.
- Myrtle Beach Waccatee ZooVisited 8 May 2021 during our Pawley's Island Mother's Day trip.
- South Dakota Zoos
- South Dakota Sioux Falls Great…Date visited 24 June 2017.
- South Dakota Rapid City Reptile…Presented pretty much in the order seen at the gardens.
Date visited 26 June 2017. - South Dakota Rapid City Bear…Date visited 26 June 2017.
- Virginia Zoos
- Virginia Fort Chiswell Animal…A 45-acre zoo in which visitors are given a guided tour in a windowless bus around the grounds to get close to the animals. For the most part, photos of the…
- Space, the Final FrontierOuter space photographed using Grandpa Roy's Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera.