Species number 76 behind the house. Not only is the Brown Creeper rare in North Carolina, it is hard to see; however, when seen they usually are the non-breeding variant.
Species number 68 swam down the lake right next to our bulkhead on 14 June 2022. It tried to join a small flock of Mallards. It was last seen in December 2022.
Photos taken through the dining room window are not very good, but they do document Grandpa's first sighting of this rare duck on the lake behind the house.
Species number 71 photographed at the house on 11 December 2022. Rarely seen, it is hard to distinguish the male from the House Finch. The female is easier to recognize.
Very common bird, seen daily on the lake. Licensed people look for nests and "shake" the eggs so no young will hatch as they do not migrate and are considered a nuisance. As of spring 2022, it is illegal to feed them in the village.
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak photographed and identified on 1 October 2021 is the 60th species photographed in the backyard. As it turns out, a female was at the feeders in October 2020 but was erroneously identified as a Chipping Sparrow. Those photos are now in this album.
Grandpa Roy photographed his first Osprey across the lake, high in a tree, in September 2011. In October 2021, he finally got a few photos with the better camera.
The 50th bird species that Grandpa Roy photographed here at home was the Yellow-Throated Warbler, a winter bird. It has not returned since these photos from August 2021.
Seen for the first time in summer 2021. The Red-Headed Woodpeckers rarely appeared in 2022, but so far in spring 2023 it has been to the feeders a number of times.