New images

Andrews Air Force Base

Andrews Air Force Base show were always in May.
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1451 images

Flying Circus Aerodrome

Bealton, Virginia
Show held late summer 1977
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33 images

Forgotten May 1986 Show

I cannot remember where this show was held, but it should have been in Maryland.
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48 images

Fort Meade, Maryland

They held an open day one year in the early 1980s. I forget when.
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6 images

Frederick, Maryland

Some Frederick airshow photos were taken with an old Sony Mavica camera and are not as large and high quality as earlier slide scans and later digital photos.
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439 images

Harnett County Show

Wings over Harnett
to show off their new terminal building, but the show was a disaster as they were not prepared for the large crowds
Show held 18 October 2014
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12 images

Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

It was a very grey day.
Attended 30 April 2016
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174 images

Meadville, Pennsylvania

Wings of Eagles
A World War II Air Show
Attended 2 July 1988
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110 images

Moore County Airport

Three free shows, then they began to charge outrageous entry fees.
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143 images

Old Rhinebeck (in the Museum section)

Although nearly all aircraft were viewed in a flying display, Old Rhinebeck is a museum that flies full-scale models and actual restored antique aircraft.
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114 images

Reading, Pennsylvania 2003

The Reading airshow photos were taken with an old Sony Mavica camera and are not as large and high quality as later photos.
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33 images

Sanford-Lee County Airport B-17 Flights

Photographed on 21 September 2014, the bomber was in 'Memphis Belle' colors and gave rides at $450.00 a pop.

19 images

Willow Grove Airshow

The Willow Grove airshow photos were taken with an old Sony Mavica camera and are not as large and high quality as later photos.
14 September 2002
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79 images