2014 Road Trip

1658 images4 videos

2016 Lowcountry Road Trip

1934 images5 videos

2017 Road Trip

632 images

2019 Road Trip West

3469 images13 videos

2021 Birthday Road Trip

Trip to Smoky Mountains

578 images3 videos

2022 - Grandson Aaron's Trip West

Grandson Aaron Magee went to the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Death Valley and other locations after he graduated from University of Maryland in 2022. These are his photos from that trip.

37 images

2022 Ohio Road Trip

Trip to Ohio and back via NC, WV, and VA.

329 images

2022 Mini Road Trip

Trip to Ohio, August 2022, to attend the Chalker High School Alumni Banquet

2022 Road Trip

Trip for Bert's Birthday and Kelly's Wedding Vow Renewal

1824 images2 videos

2023 Anniversary Road Trip.

Anniversary trip to the Golden Isles of Georgia

225 images

40th Anniversary Trip

Photos taken during our trip to Maryland to spend our 40th anniversary with family.

216 images

Hal Memorial Trip

Trip to attend memorial service for our friend Hal Clifford who was interred in the Veteran's cemetery in Crownsville, Maryland.

232 images