Birthday 2021 Road Trip

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Photos taken by Grandma and Grandpa on their trip with Great Grandma Margarete to the Great Smoky Mountains in October 2021 for Grandma Bert's birthday.
The photos are indexed approximately in the order they were visited and not alphabetically.
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Fort Dobbs

A reconstruction of a fort used during the French and Indian Wars before the American Revolutionary War.
Visited 21 October 2021.

21 images

Henry River Mill Village

Site where some scenes from the movie "The Hunger Games" was filmed.
Visited 22 October 2021.

29 images

Mountain Gateway Museum

Old Fort, North Carolina.
Visited 22 October 2021.

44 images

Harrisburg Covered Bridge

Grandma Bert took these photos.
Visited 21 October 2021.

6 images

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

North Carolina side of the park.

80 images2 videos

Blue Ridge Parkway

2021 Trip.

21 images

Judaculla Rock Historic Site

A rock covered with ancient glyphs carved by early American Indians.
Visited 27 October 2021.

19 images

North Carolina Arboretum

Filled with trees,plants and trails, the Arboretum is most definitely worth visiting.
Visited 27 October 2021.

66 images1 video

Wing Haven Gardens

Located in an upscale, older residential district of Charlotte, the gardens are not heavily visited, inexpensive to enter and most definitely worth the trip. The photos are mostly in the order of the walk around the gardens, both at Wing Haven itself and at the Elizabeth Lawrence house 10 doors away.
Visited 28 October 2021.

134 images