- Aviation Museum of KentuckyDate visited 08 July 2017.
- Cumberland Falls State ParkGrandpa Roy visited in 1965 with his mother, Great Grandma Teenie.
- Kentucky Horse ParkFirst visit in 1983 and second in 2017.
- Dressage EventA dressage event was being held the day we visited the Kentucky Horse Park, 8 July 2017.
- Horse RideGrandpa and Noah take a horse ride.
- Museum of the HorseThe International Museum of the Horse
- Mammoth Cave & VicinityVisited by Grandpa Roy in 1966.
- Paducah, Kentucky
- The Iron Horse MemorialPaducah built and re-built engines during the "age of steam."
- The MuralsThe city's history is depicted in these murals painted on the flood barrier along the river bank. All murals are painted by volunteers. Grandpa Roy had wanted…
- The RiversPaducah lies banks of the Ohio and Tennessee Rivers that meet in this part of Kentucky.