Aircraft Museums, Shows & Airfields

New images

Wings over Harnett

County wanted to show off their new terminal building, but the show was a disaster as they were not prepared for the large crowds.
Show held 18 October 2014.

12 images

Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point

It was a very grey day.
Attended 30 April 2016.

174 images

Moore County Airport, North Carolina

Photos taken of aircraft approaching, departing or at the Moore County Airport.

121 images

Moore County Airport Fly-ins and Shows

Three free shows, then they began to charge outrageous entry fees.

143 images

Sanford-Lee County Airport B-17 Flights

Photographed on 21 September 2014, the bomber was in 'Memphis Belle' colors and gave rides at $450.00 a pop.

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Seymour-Johnson Show

7 April 2011.

37 images